Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Boba Wrap

Today I am super grateful for my boba wrap. I haven't really been using it since I got my ring sling. I even thought about getting rid of the boba because I haven't been using it. Well, today has been pretty rough for Finn. He's been fighting sleep for the past few weeks and he was just refusing a nap. I, as a stay at home mom of 3, can't just hold him for hours on end AND get everything I need to get done. So I pulled out the ring sling and put his little fussy butt in it. He fought it so hard. I couldn't get a seat to stay because he kept popping it out. So since the boba is a little more snug and a lot easier to mess with than a ring sling with a fussy baby, I put him in that. He whined for maybe 5 mins and then passed out. I was able to get what I needed done and the baby also got to take his nap. He lost a sock somewhere along the way though lol so I'm gonna have to find that. So, thank you for being a friend, boba stretchy wrap. We appreciate all the work you do ;)

Also, here's a feet, duh!

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